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Pressure Testing Exclusion Zones

Pressure Testing Exclusion Zones Access June 2023 Newsletter and please be sure to submit your near misses! Pressure Testing (Hydrostatic & Pneumatic) Exclusion Zone Safety Guidelines Discussing pressure testing is a broad and detailed topic that encompasses many aspects.  The primary task is to work safely.  Pre-planning and risk mitigation are the core principles. Today’s safety topic does not drill into all aspects of the pressure testing process but will focus mainly on the Exclusion Zones or Safety Zones while performing the pressure test.Most of you have been around and...

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Heat Stress

Heat Stress Access May 2023 Newsletter and please be sure to submit your near misses! Oh yes, it is that time of year again, it is heating up quickly.  The last couple of weeks have reminded us that the Summer is upon is.  The gap between 80 degrees and 90+ has such an impact on all outdoor activities, fire risk and human factors.Most likely everyone reading this article has navigated through many, many Heat Stress safety training courses.  Both employer and employee have responsibilities related to heat related training and best practices.  Below is a summary of the latest OSHA NEP...

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Pinch Points and Body Position

Pinch Points and Body Position Access April 2023 Newsletter and please be sure to submit your near misses! Each year, workers suffer approximately 125,000 caught or crushed injuries that occur when body parts get caught between two objects or entangled with machinery. These hazards are referred to as “pinch points.” The physical forces applied to a body part caught in a pinch point can vary and cause injuries ranging from bruises and cuts to amputated body parts and even death.Pinch point injuries can be devastating, resulting in amputations, crushed limbs, and even death. Workers...

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Excavation Safety

A Refresher Guide to Staying Safe on the Job Access March 2023 Newsletter and please be sure to submit your near misses! For many reading this article you might think this is just another safety topic.  Been there,… read that.  Which may be true. However this is a refresher for your memory as to what is required on excavations during work.  Often we get in a hurry, and skip some aspects of the excavation process.  Below we have attached a quick checklist for you to download and use on your projects.  A couple of quick videos to watch to help bring home some subtle safety points we...

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Working Alone

Working Alone Safety Considerations for Land Surveyors Who Work Alone Access February 2023 Newsletter and please be sure to submit your near misses! Every morning, we get up and go about our day assuming we’ll come home safely tonight.  Thankfully, that is almost always true.  For land surveyors, there are 3 special safety concerns that you should pay close attention to when you work alone.  Working alone adds extra risk in the equation.  Like all risk management scenarios, how do we mitigate the risk so we can get the required tasks done.Each company typically has a working alone...

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Winter Working Hazards

Access Encompass January 2022 Newsletter and please be sure to submit your near misses!   It takes imagination, not just experience, to grasp the hidden hazards of a northern winter, as Jack London revealed in his unforgettable short story, "To Build a Fire." London's tale of how the arctic elements slowly unravel a man’s unimaginable fatality drives home a truth safety managers should already know: Failure to anticipate the cold's unseen perils can be deadly. Relatively few American workers die or miss works as a direct result of exposure to environmental cold. From 1992 to 1997, there...

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